Electrochemistry, 6 December 2024, Volume 92, Issue12
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Publisher: J-STAGE
Article Title: Stress Analysis of the Interface Reaction Layer Between Ni–P Films and GaAs Substrate After Annealing
Authors: Koichiro NISHIZAWA, Ayumu MATSUMOTO, Yasuyuki NAKAGAWA, Hitoshi SAKUMA, Yoshiki KOJIMA, Naoki FUKUMURO, Shinji YAE
Paper link: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/electrochemistry/92/12/92_24-00101/_article/-char/ja
Journal issue link: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/electrochemistry/92/0/_contents/-char/ja
Publisher: J-STAGE
Article Title: Stress Analysis of the Interface Reaction Layer Between Ni–P Films and GaAs Substrate After Annealing
Authors: Koichiro NISHIZAWA, Ayumu MATSUMOTO, Yasuyuki NAKAGAWA, Hitoshi SAKUMA, Yoshiki KOJIMA, Naoki FUKUMURO, Shinji YAE
Paper link: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/electrochemistry/92/12/92_24-00101/_article/-char/ja
Journal issue link: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/electrochemistry/92/0/_contents/-char/ja